Whether you're a long time parishioner, new to the area, a visitor, or looking to convert to Catholicism you are warmly welcome at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Francis, St. Eugene, and Our Lady of Light Churches!
Welcome to the Upper Valley Parishes!Whether you're a long time parishioner, new to the area, a visitor, or looking to convert to Catholicism you are warmly welcome at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Francis, St. Eugene, and Our Lady of Light Churches!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help / St. Francis / St. Eugene / Our Lady of Light
About Us
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church; 113 Upper Plain; Bradford, VT 05033/ email: ourladyofperpetualhelp@vermontcatholic.org / facebook: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Bradford, VT
TUES DEC 31- 8:30am Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Bradford; 4pm St Eugene Church, Wells River; 5pm St Francis Church, Norwich
********************************** WEDS JAN 1- 8am Our Lady of Light, South Strafford; 10am Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bradford
CHRISTMAS EVE 12/24: St Eugene, Wells River- 4pm; St Francis, Norwich- 5pm; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bradford- 7pm
CHRISTMAS DAY 12/25: Our Lady of Light, S. Strafford- 8am; St. Francis, Norwich- 9am; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bradford- 10am
The OLPH Parish Christmas Party will be on Sunday, December 15 after the 10am Mass. We will have a pot luck lunch, music, and fun! We will also have the final drawings for this year's fuel raffle! ALL ARE WELCOME!
Over the last several weeks I have received a number of communications expressing concerns about the recent changes to and enforcement of U.S. immigration laws and I have also been […]
The post...
My dear family in Christ, When I was ordained a priest in 1989, I was one of 120 active priests of the Diocese of Burlington. I was blessed to serve […]
The post Musings with Bishop McDermott...
Here is a seeming contradiction of the New Testament, given with the caution that prayer is just as important for this topic as catechesis, for it has been a sore […]
The post “The greatest of these...
For this Jubilee Year, the church has been given a beautiful, multilingual hymn entitled Pilgrims of Hope. If you participate in any Jubilee events, whether local or international, you will […]
My dear family in Christ, I just completed a wonderful 10-day journey around the state in celebration of National Catholic Schools Week. I was blessed to offer Mass and visit […]
The post Musings...